In observance of the holidays, Agilent CrossLab/iLab Operations Software Support Help Desk will be closed during U.S. hours on Monday, February 17th, 2025. We will resume regular U.S. support hours on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025. For urgent matters, please add "Urgent" to the ticket/email subject or press "1" when prompted to escalate a call on the iLab Support phone, and we will prioritize those requests first.
1) Log into CrossLab using your Case ID and password
If you are an external user, contact CWRU Cores team ( to set up an account.
2) Making a request
To make a request to the Research Computing Core, once logged in, click on the "Request Services" tab or click HERE.
Click the "Request Service" button to the right of the description of the project request.
Fill out all the information on the form. Save the form by clicking "save completed form".
Then fill in the payment information below the form.
Finally, click the "submit request to core" button on the bottom right of the request.
3) Managing your Requests
Your request will be reviewed by the core and you will receive an email from the core with additional information. This could take up to 3 buisness days.
To view the progress of a project or to view any data attached to the project, log into CrossLab. (Login Page)
You will land on your homepage. All your projects in CrossLab will be listed on your homepage. Click on the link to take you to your project request within the core.
Overview of Services
We offer services to address computational, storage, data transfer, data visualization, and database programming needs of researchers throughout the university. We are also available to consult and collaborate in these and related areas, including assisting in the preparation of external funding proposals. We provide the following services to the research community:
High Performance Computing
We provide access to a local high performance computing (HPC) cluster, "RedCat" and "Rider", for research use by CWRU faculty, staff, and students. The clusters mostly have regular compute nodes with some nodes equipped with GPUs, some nodes with over 512 GB of main memory, and a fast parallel storage system. Access to this cluster is provided through HPC membership, which can be acquired by paying the annual membership fee or by purchasing cluster hardware equipment.
We provide additional HPC storage at the fast parallel storage system, which is a single-copy with 7-day snapshot.
We provide assistance to researchers in using the national network of NSF-funded supercomputers.
We provide hosting for research databases in the web-based Oracle Application Express (APEX) system that runs on servers in one of the UTech data centers.
For databases containing data with a higher level of security required, please consider the APEX instance that we operate in the Secure Research Environment service.
UTech provides professional database design and programming services for APEX, REDCap, and LabMatrix.
High Performance Computing (HPC) Standard Annual Membership (Enter how many sets per year)
HPC membership is assigned to a specific research PI group and can consist of the PI, any associated research associates, postdoctoral researchers, graduate and undergraduate students. HPC membership can be obtained by paying the annual membership fee or by purchasing cluster hardware equipment in lieu of the fee. Standard annual membership provides typically 64 processors at a time, 600/840GB soft/hard quota for the home directory, 1TB storage at /scratch/users space and better overall HPC support for the group.
One set of membership is $1250. If you need higher number of processors at a time, you can multiply the standard membership fee and get the same multiplication factor on the number of available processors. Storage allowance does not multiply.
External - Academic
External - Foundation/Non-profit
High Performance Computing (HPC) Storage (enter how many TBs per year)
HPC fast parallel storage with high-performance read and write and 7-day snapshot protection on the Panasas system. This storage is mounted on all the cluster nodes. The cost is for each TB storage -year.
High Performance Computing: Long-term Membership (Enter how many nodes)
Long-term membership of the HPC (for 6 years) can be obtained by the purchase of an HPC standard compute node. Each node would equate to 1-unit of HPC membership
Ohio Supercomputing Center Charge
OSC usage is now being charged if the usage is above 10,000 RU in a year. The cost is $75 for every 1000 billable RUs.
Pre Award Consultation
Research Archive Storage - Less than 25TB
Research Archive Storage provides a non-active storage options target for longer-term data retention that vary from seldom to never recovered. The data is accessible via Globus and would cost $200 for 5TB storage, for 5 years.
Research Data Storage (Enter how many TBs per year)
Research Data Storage is the research storage offering that is mounted on all the cluster nodes, with a little less performance compared to the HPC storage. This storage is protected by replication to the second site and 7-day snapshots. The cost is per TB per year.
Request for 2XLarge Instance on the RVM (CPU: 8 vCPU; RAM: 32GB; 80GB storage)
RVM - Large Instance
Request for a Large Instance on RVM (CPU: 2 vCPU; RAM: 8GB; 80GB storage)
RVM - Medium Instance
Request for a Large Instance on RVM (CPU: 2 vCPU; RAM: 4GB; 80GB storage)
RVM - Micro Instance
Request for a Large Instance on RVM (CPU: 1 vCPU; RAM: 1GB; 80GB storage)
RVM - Nano instance
Request for a Large Instance on RVM (CPU: 1 vCPU; RAM: 0.5GB; 80GB storage)
RVM - Small Instance
Request for a Small Instance on RVM (CPU: 2 vCPU; RAM: 2GB; 80GB storage)
RVM - XLarge Instance
Request for Extra Large Instance on the RVM (CPU: 4 vCPU; RAM: 16GB; 80GB storage)
RVM for NeoCando Development Server
RVM storage cost for NeoCando development server, which includes 1TB of additional VM storage
RVM-Additional SAN storage capacity
Additional storage capacity on the RVM Storage. The unit is $ per GB.
SRE - Shared file storage per TB per month without backup
Provide and manage shared file storage on a file server in the SRE. Backup is extra. Charge is per TB allocated per month. You can request 1 GB by entering a quantity of 0.001.
High Performance Computing (HPC) Standard Annual Membership (Enter how many sets per year)
HPC membership is assigned to a specific research PI group and can consist of the PI, any associated research associates, postdoctoral researchers, graduate and undergraduate students. HPC membership can be obtained by paying the annual membership fee or by purchasing cluster hardware equipment in lieu of the fee. Standard annual membership provides typically 64 processors at a time, 600/840GB soft/hard quota for the home directory, 1TB storage at /scratch/users space and better overall HPC support for the group.
One set of membership is $1250. If you need higher number of processors at a time, you can multiply the standard membership fee and get the same multiplication factor on the number of available processors. Storage allowance does not multiply.
External - Academic
External - Foundation/Non-profit
High Performance Computing (HPC) Storage (enter how many TBs per year)
HPC fast parallel storage with high-performance read and write and 7-day snapshot protection on the Panasas system. This storage is mounted on all the cluster nodes. The cost is for each TB storage -year.
High Performance Computing: Long-term Membership (Enter how many nodes)
Long-term membership of the HPC (for 6 years) can be obtained by the purchase of an HPC standard compute node. Each node would equate to 1-unit of HPC membership
Research Data Storage (Enter how many TBs per year)
Research Data Storage is the research storage offering that is mounted on all the cluster nodes, with a little less performance compared to the HPC storage. This storage is protected by replication to the second site and 7-day snapshots. The cost is per TB per year.
Research Archive Storage provides a non-active storage options target for longer-term data retention that vary from seldom to never recovered. The data is accessible via Globus and would cost $200 for 5TB storage, for 5 years.
SRE - Shared file storage per TB per month without backup
Provide and manage shared file storage on a file server in the SRE. Backup is extra. Charge is per TB allocated per month. You can request 1 GB by entering a quantity of 0.001.